

2枚の絵 Two Paintings

ロウバイも野ばらも、約1年前に描いたものです。不思議なもので、絵を見るとその絵を描いていた時の記憶 - 音や香りや気持ちまで - が鮮明に蘇ります。集中している時の記憶というのは、細かく鮮明に残るもののようです。
I  sold these two paintings today. I'm grateful that my paintings were chosen by a customer who wants to give them to his friends. I hope my paintings make his friends happy.
I painted them about a year ago. In general, when I look back at my own paintings they bring back details which surrounded me while I was painting them: sounds, scents, even my feelings. Probably it has to do with the deep concentration.