

「四季のきせき」出版記念原画展を終えて My Exhibition Finished

10月22日から始まったgallery cobacoでの原画展、昨日終了いたしました。お近くから、遠方から、そして他県からも、約100名の方にご来場頂きました。販売用の絵も本当にたくさんの方にご予約頂き、そして本「四季のきせき」も様々な方にご購入頂きました。
 この1週間を振り返ると、まるでおとぎ話の中に入り込んでいたような、何かとても甘く優しい感覚をたびたび覚えます。ちょうど入口付近に掛けていたジョウビタキの絵の、壁一枚を挟んだお庭に、期間中ずっと同じ背格好のジョウビタキが訪れていて・・・絵の中のジョウビタキが飛んで行ったのではないかと一瞬真面目に思ってしまったくらい、特別な時間が流れる場所。それはきっと、gallery cobacoという空間の持つ魔法なのだと思います。
ご来場頂きました皆様、そして絵や本をご購入くださった皆様、そしてこのような素晴らしい機会を与えてくださったgallery cobacoのオーナーに、改めて心から感謝いたします。どうもありがとうございました。
My exhibition finished yesterday. In total, about a hundred people visited it from nearby or faraway places, even from other prefectures. Of the paintings that were for sale, almost all were purchased, and my two books were purchased by many people as well.
I had the chance to talk with many people of different backgrounds. And I was impressed that most people didn't just look at the paintings, but they felt them with their 'six senses' as if they talked with flowers, butterflies and birds in the paintings. When many people told me that through my works they saw things that they didn't notice before in nature, I was happy about it - because it means I succeeded with my paintings to convey the beauty of nature!
When I look back at my exhibition I feel like I was in a fairytale during my stay in the gallery, something very sweet and gentle. When I saw a bird often visiting the garden over the wall of the gallery, I seriously checked my painting if the bird I painted didn't fly away, as it looked exactly the same! This gallery has such a special magic!
I deeply appreciate the people who visited my exhibition and purchased my paintings and books, and the owner of the gallery who gave me such a great opportunity.
I'll continue painting beautiful things in nature!