

8月の朗読動画 Audio Book 'August'

8月に入ってから、茶色い蜻蛉があちこちに飛び始めました。季節はだんだんと秋に向かっています。 乾いた花々が少しずつ実を結び始める頃・・・
Brown dragonflies started to fly everywhere since the beginning of this month. Nature is already going into autumn. Dried flowers are starting to fruit. Audio book 'August' from my book 'Miracle/Traces of the Seasons'.
Summer sun threw its strong light on the ground
As if it almost reached the ground through the leaves.
A little early plump chestnuts were stained
By the sun day by day and
Deepened their shiny brown colour.
Each time a couple of chestnuts fell on the ground
Summer also gradually fell into its own matureness.