小学校の時に、アナログ時計の針を読むことが出来ず、その時点で算数を諦めました。数字というものは、私の頭の中には存在していないかのようです 笑 ところが、数学と芸術はどうやら繋がっているらしい、という話に昔から興味がありました。
Today's painting.
When I was a primary school student I learned how to read clocks, I did my best and worked hard but I couldn't tell the time. Since then I gave up arithmetic completely. Numbers don't exist in my brains However I was always interested in the connection between mathematics and art.
Recently a person who has known me since I was little posted a mathematical formula which came to his mind lately. I asked him what he thinks about the connection between mathematics and art, then he kindly explained his mathematical formula to me while I don't even understand arithmetic. And then he said that his formula is, let's say, like Bach's fugue in short. And you know what, I suddenly could imagine themes of a small fugue interacting with each other. He said "mathematical formulas are a language which can express the beauty of this world very well". Now I understand that mathematical formulas are a universal language like any other forms of art. Humans have innate cravings for expressing what they think are beautiful!
Well, now I feel that I could see the connection between mathematics and art just a little, little bit!