

ボードレール Baudelaire


”今おとずれるこの時に、かよわい茎に身を悶え 花々は香炉のように溶けながら、響も香も夕べの空にめぐり来る、憂愁尽きぬこのわるつ、くるめくような舞心地!” 「夕べの諧調(はるもにあ)」より

I've been reading some selected poems from The Flowers of Evil by Baudelaire. Colours, scents and sounds are mixed beautifully. I feel that colours in his poems are much more vivid than those in Verlaine's poems. I'm not sure if I like some grotesque parts of his poems...but of course I know that his genius inspired another genius greatly - Debussy!

"Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur sa tige
Chaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir;
Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige!"

"The season is at hand when swaying on its stem
Every flower exhales perfume like a censer;
Sounds and perfumes turn in the evening air;
Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo!"